Friday, 11 May 2012

Sketching and Drawing

Drawing and sketching.  Apparently, these aren't the same things.  I've always used the two terms interchangeably, but then I've never had much reason to use these terms in the past.  A quick sketch and a quick drawing, to me, are the same thing; a final sketch and a final drawing should look the same.  'Sketch' perhaps has a slightly rougher connotation, almost akin to a rough draft.  However, and perhaps this is the writer in my talking, 90% of my first drafts are still there in the final drafts.  It's rare when you have to completely gut an essay.  I equally assumed it's rare to completely gut a drawing.

As it turns out, sketches are, well, more akin to jot notes, a visual set of shorthand from which you can later craft a full work.  To continue the essay analogy, sketching is the research and the plan, drawing is actually putting it all together.  Or so I now think.

I don't sketch.  I may have said I sketched in the past, but that's not sketch as it is used here.  I've always drawn.  I suppose this is a carry-over from my writing personality: I don't do rough-drafts.  Well, I do and I don't.  I approach everything, every word, with the intention of making it the best possible.  Calling something a rough-draft is an excuse to make mistakes, to not try your hardest.  No.  I labour over every word.  I make good copies.  Then I inevitably go back and make better copies, and finally a best copy.

Such is my view of art.  To call something just a sketch is to say, "I know it sucks and has errors everywhere, but it's just a rough sketch and that's okay."  I'm not doing this challenge to make rough sketches, to make errors and just shrug them off: I want to get good.  There's no room for rough drafts.

Unfortunately, I now realize this is a mistake.  I've been writing for many, many years, and I've made numerous mistakes.  Thousands of mistakes.  Ten-thousand, and I've learned from them all.  I now have the luxury of using this knowledge to avoid these mistakes.  I have no such knowledge with art.  I don't know which mistakes to avoid because I haven't made enough mistakes yet.

I guess I need to give myself permission to make a bad drawing.  It's okay as long as I learn from it.

So I'll be changing my drawing challenge slightly.  I still intend to draw at least 20min everyday, and I mean draw: work on something I (hopefully) would like to hang on the fridge, something I'd be proud to call my own work.  But I also need to sketch.  Every day, I'll try to set a few minutes aside to sketch.  Well, most days.  Some days.  At least once a week.

I suppose this blog won't really change: I'll still upload my drawings every week.  I have no intention of cluttering these pages with rough sketches.  I'm a novice artist as is; do we really want to see my rough work?  If a sketch inspires something that I draw later, sure, I'll upload that, but this is more of a me-change than a blog-change.

It's okay to make mistakes.  It really is.  If I tell myself this enough times, maybe I'll believe it, and maybe I can benefit as well.

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