Tuesday, 3 April 2012

The Journey Begins


On April 1, 2012, I made a vow: I would draw everyday and see where I am a year from now.  I'm not a good drawer, far from it, but I've always wanted to be one.  Well, just sitting around wanting won't make it so.  Wishes can come true, but you often have to work for them.  And if a year passes and I'm still pathetic, oh well, I know I gave it my best shot.

Is art a skill that can be taught to anyone, or is it an innate talent that some have and others do not?  Personally, I'm leaning towards the latter, but I don't know for sure.  What I do know is that if I can learn to be an artist, anyone can.

I'll post my first results each and every Sunday, maybe earlier if I draw something that absolutely stuns me and I must share with the world.  Note that I have absolutely no art supplies yet: no tablets, no paint, no markers ... heck, I don't even have pencils.  If I show improvement, these things can come.  Anyway, on with the show!  Wish me luck!

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